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Monday, March 25, 2013

The Day of Darkness

So, its happen 22 February 2013, that the date when exactly my true war begin.

I have been lived at Singapore around up to 4 months now.  But, I still can't get used to Singapore, there many thing that I don't dare to do which make me more far from understand and getting used to life at this place. 

I spend 4 months before going to university in ELPP, well yeah my English is miserable no offense though.  I tried my best that time, even though my body scream and tired like hell i keep not letting my self taking any rest, I just give my best and my best always sacrifice my self.  I'm or me is the only thing that I own in this world I don't care if this body must tear apart all i care is achieve my goal.

Many people get offended if I said this, I don't get it.  I just tried to tell the truth, I know that if I'm sick there certain of people will get the effect but then again what i must to do? this the only way I got to pass everything is to sacrifice and the answer just one.......it's me.

the truth is I pass with C I dunno, I must happy or sad?  All I feel just relieved.  I relieved that I'm pass in the end, many people said I obsessed with high mark, but the truth is i just want to pass not more than that.

Trough ELPP I have learn many thing, I got new friend and lost too.  However, maybe the truth is...

I never have one, maybe no it's true that I born to be lowlife creature
and lowlife creature are useless and needless
and I'm not useful
I born for what?

To be honest this is the second time I join the JCU new student orientation, the first one is when I supposed to attend to the ELPP orientation, but I'm so foolish and stupid I attend to another orientation and that was a new student orientation.

I'm not embarrassing knowing this is really my first time going so far from my place, the thing that keep me regretting myself is I make people surround me disappointed by my act.  I hate myself in many of reason

The whole orientation is good to be honest, it lot better than last year when I "sneak" to new student.  This orientation we gathering at some private room of club called Azure or Azury I'm not really understand and remember that shit though, since you know I'm not belong to that kind of place.  It would be my first and last to visit that kind of place, but that was fun i can meet many new friends in the exchange of lost some friends.  Many of my friends going to business and I'm goes to IT so basically the building will be separated.  I might miss them so much, but don't be afraid nobody will miss me.

The game of orientation is so "lame" to be honest I even not enjoying it every single bit.  But, one thing I used to do, just stand up "Chaos" used to said if you show your hate to something it would be my weakness.  So, I give my best to make the game fun even I'm not enjoying it.

In the end of the day, I spend my time to get know better all my friend and it seem they show some same affection to me which make me happy.  All I can do is hoping that forever they will be my friend, and I will give my best to be their good friend.  like I said I'm lowlife creature I can't be Best friend but all i can do tried to be Good friend.

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